Should I go Private? I'm not sure if I really have any readers since I took a break.
So this is the big question I have been struggling with since having my baby. I'm very vague on my postings when it comes to my life. Many bloggers put it all out there for everyone to read and I am envious of your bravery. Staying fairly anonymous (no pictures or names) on my blog keeps me protected. Now that I have entered Mommyhood I want to be in the "club" more being able to share pictures, ideas, ask questions I have without all the negativity it may bring.
So maybe if I went private and could limit who could read and see I could open up more....
After reading MM last post as well as BEB's post it (wish I did) makes me realize there are a lot of rude, insensitive people reading others blogs. Not sure why others feel the right or need to be negative, place judgement or try to bring others down. I don't know either of these bloggers in real life, but they are such genuine and honest ladies.
I have always tried to live by the words "Treat others like you would like to be treated." Yes, I catch myself being snotty sometimes and have to do a self check and ask myself why am I having ill feelings toward this person?
Private maybe the answer for me.
Sausage Tortellini Soup
2 years ago
I think that you are brave putting as much as you want on your blog.
It is for you and your family and it is a kindness you have extended to others to read. I appreciate it.
Privacy may be a good answer for you.
Good question! I think about the same thing though I have very little time to blog these days. I'm the same way...I'd love to share pics of my little cuties and even myself but I'm scared about security. B/c of the type of work I was doing, I'm all too aware of all of the freakazoids and perverts out on the internet. I can't get out of my mind who possibly might be looking at pics of my kids and it freaks me out. So, I started a private blog for my kids to share with my family and IRL friends only. That might be an option for you...
Right there with sister. I am not all that comfy putting pics of my little bit on the net.
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