It has been a while since I have blogged, to be honest things have been really busy. Between being pregnant and also having a demanding career my blog has fallen down on my priority list.
The nursery is coming together and I'm so excited to bring my little bundle of joy home and create many memories in that room.
Now I need some advice or feedback from all the Moms out there. I am in need of two important items
1. Breast Pump
2. Diaper Bag
I want a breast pump that is easy to use and can be done hands-free. As far as a diaper bag I'm wanting something stylish and with no cartoon characters on it. Sorry I'm not a fan of Disney characters on anything.
So if you have some suggestions please let me know I will be most appreciative...
Sausage Tortellini Soup
2 years ago
I've heard great things about SkipHop and Petunia Pickle bottom diaper bags from my friends, but no baby yet= no diaper bag for me!!
When are you due? I have about 4.5 weeks until my Doctor is planning to induce. Anyway, I used the Medela breast pump last time and it's very nice but also very expensive. A little tip - at my hospital I was able to get the attachment kit at the hospital and it was charged to my insurance so I didn't have to pay for it (well I'm sure I did one way or another). Then I just borrowed the pump part from a friend. The attachments are the only part that your milk goes through so it's sanitary. I was a little weirded out until I saw how it actually worked. You can probably also rent the pump part from your hospital as well. You might want to go that route until you see how well pumping/breastfeeding works for you and your baby before you spend the money on your own pump. Diaper bags - almost bought a Petunia Picklebottom last time but so glad that I didn't. They're totally cute but also expensive and the one I wanted was made of silk - so impractical b/c it gets dirty, spit up on, you name it. I ended up with the black Eddie Bauer bag from Babies R' Us and it's been functional. But, I just asked my hubby to get me this diaper bag so I can be a little bit more stylish with this baby![]=tags&includes[]=title
Good luck!
I'm not a mom, but I used to use the Kate Spade diaper bag in college as my book bag. Its really chic and simple.
I ended up buying a bunch of diaper bags, because I'm an addict...ah ha ha. And the Skip Hop was hands down my favorite. A strap that fits over the stroller handles is clutch. And I used the Lanisoh pumps. It's much less expensive than the Medela and worked great!
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